- July 13, 2020
Harnessing the “new normal” to improve diversity in international arbitration
Since governments started imposing lockdowns and stay-at-home orders in countries around the world, remote working has become the “new normal”. Boardrooms, power suits and (thankfully) the commute to work are a thing of the past; we’re now in the era of the business-casual and “virtually” brilliant. Could this shift in mindset be used as a … Continue reading Harnessing the “new normal” to improve diversity in international arbitration →
- July 12, 2018
Policing due process in expedited arbitration
The Singapore High Court decision in China Machine New Energy Corp v Jaguar Energy Guatemala LLC and another raises a number of points of wider significance for the arbitration community. This post focuses on the procedural implications of the parties’ agreement to the expedited arbitration of a complex dispute (in a particularly short time frame) and … Continue reading Policing due process in expedited arbitration →
- January 27, 2017
Advocacy in international arbitration: a young practitioner’s perspective
At the end of last year, I had my first experience of conducting the advocacy in an international commercial arbitration. For the first time, I was up there in front of the tribunal, not just listening to what was being said and helping to locate documents, but making submissions and cross-examining witnesses.