REUTERS | Fabrizio Bensch

Season’s greetings from the Practical Law Arbitration Blog

All I want for Christmas
Is my arbitration award,
My arbitration award,
Just my arbitration award.
Gee, if I could only have
My arbitration award,
Then I could wish you Merry Christmas.

It seems so long since third party funding,
Investment treaties, rules, seats and enforcement.
Gosh, oh gee,
How happy I’d be,
For the tribunal’s endorsement.

All I want for Christmas is my arbitration award,
My arbitration award,
Just my arbitration award.
Gee, if I could only have my arbitration award,
Then I could wish you Merry Christmas.

The Practical Law Arbitration Blog will resume in early January 2020. Until then, from the Practical Law Arbitration team, thank you to all of our contributors for another packed year of excellent commentary, to you for reading, and Happy Holidays one and all.

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